Starting at 20.28€
Retail Price 36.74 €

Luxe 109413 - Fontana 23" auto open umbrella with carbon look and crooked handle - Solid Black

  1-11 12-35 36-71 72-143 144-287 288 + More Stock Qty.
Unique28.97 26.07 24.63 23.17 21.73 20.28 1622
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Luxe 109413

Automatic opening umbrella with a pongee polyester canopy, and a sturdy black plated metal shaft. The high quality full fiberglass frame offers maximum flexibility in windy conditions. Crooked handle with a carbon look finish and black nickel plated tips. Luxe branded details on woven label on the canopy and the closure strap. Large decoration area on each of the panels.

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Luxe 109413 - Fontana 23" auto open umbrella with carbon look and crooked handle Solid Black
Solid Black
Size 1-11 12-35 36-71 72-143 144-287 288 + More Stock Qty.
Unique 28.97 26.07 24.63 23.17 21.73 20.28 1622